Dr. Christian Tiefenau
Usable Security and Privacy Researcher
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8 · D - 53115 Bonn
(+49) 228-73-54243
About Me
Interests and Skills
I'm interested in the field of usability and security with special focus on administrators. If you are interested in collaboration feel free to contact me.
Since I've been 13 I enjoyed making music and constantly played in several bands:
- They Came From Earth - 2002-2009 - bass
- Read My Lips - 2009-2012 - bass/vocals
- Cocoon - 2011-present - bass/vocals
- Rooftop Kingdom - 2013-2015 - bass
- Kaiju - 2014-2016 - bass
- ANKA - 2014-Present - bass/synthesizer/samples
Joining a soccerteam when I was 7 was the beginning of my enthusiasm in sports. To this day I ran three half-marathons.
SOUPS 2023 - Full Paper - Distinguished paper award
Anna-Marie Ortloff, Christian Tiefenau, Matthew Smith
SOUPS 2023 - Full Paper
Eva Gerlitz, Maximilian Häring, Charlotte Theresa Mädler, Matthew Smith, Christian Tiefenau
SOUPS 2023 - Full Paper
Eva Gerlitz, Maximilian Häring, Matthew Smith, Christian Tiefenau
CHI 2023 - Full Paper
Less About Privacy: Revisiting a Survey about the German COVID-19 Contact Tracing App
Maximilian Häring, Eva Gerlitz, Matthew Smith, Christian Tiefenau
SOUPS 2021 - Full Paper
Maximilian Häring, Eva Gerlitz, Christian Tiefenau, Matthew Smith, Dominik Wermke, Sascha Fahl, Yasemin Acar
SOUPS 2020 - Full Paper
Christian Tiefenau, Maximilian Häring, Katharina Krombholz, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
ACM CCS 2019 - Full Paper
A Usability Evaluation of Let's Encrypt and Certbot: Usable Security Done Right
Christian Tiefenau, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Maximilian Häring, Katharina Krombholz, Matthew Smith
SOUPS 2019 - Poster Session
Making Privacy Graspable: Can we Nudge Users to use Privacy Enhancing Techniques?
Christian Tiefenau, Maximilian Häring, Eva Gerlitz, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
SOUPS 2019 - Poster Session
Christian Tiefenau, Maximilian Häring, Mohamed Khamis, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
SOUPS 2019 - Poster Session
A Case Study on (Security) Update Processes in Working Environments: Understanding the Context
Maximilian Häring, Christian Tiefenau, Eva Gerlitz, Ronald Brenner, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
SOUPS 2018 - Full Paper
Deception Task Design in Developer Password Studies: Exploring a Student Sample
Alena Naiakshina, Anastasia Danilova, Christian Tiefenau, Matthew Smith
SOUPS 2018 - Poster Session
The Struggle is Real: Analyzing Ground Truth Data of TLS (Mis-)Configurations
Christian Tiefenau, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
ACM CCS 2017 - Full Paper
Why Do Developers Get Password Storage Wrong? A Qualitative Usability Study
Alena Naiakshina, Anastasia Danilova, Christian Tiefenau, Marco Herzog, Sergej Dechand, and Matthew Smith
Research Assistant // Jun'15 - now
L3S Hannover and University of Bonn
Working and researching under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Matthew Smith at the University of Bonn.
Senior Software Developer // Oct'14 - Mar'17
GiPsy Software Solutions GmbH
Design and development of a new software product from scratch with the goal to replace the old solution. A new software called "GiPsy XPerience" came to life and is now used in production.
Software Developer Student Job // Oct'08 - Sep'14
GiPsy Beratungsgesellschaft GmbH
Maintainance and development of new features for their software product "GiPsy Provision". A solution for cardealers to manage their company.